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Teenagers, Parents and Health
Posted On 23-10-2023
4 Min Read

Teenagers, Parents and Health

This is an article for the most important years of growth and therefore it is addressed to the teenagers. Parents of children in this age group can make the children read the article rather than reading it themselves and explaining it to them. 
Children complain that parents underestimate the concept of peer pressure. Parents complain that children resort to drastic measures for trivial issues. Obviously, both do not know the actual situation as they have not lived a day in the other person’s shoes.
Suggestions for teenagers
1. Everybody is born with a different frame. You cannot alter the frame but you can bring about toning of your body. If you want a toned body, work towards it rather than blaming your parents for the genes. 
2. Exercise does not equal gym. Do not insist on joining a gym just to be fit. This is an age for growth. Keep yourself fit by skipping, running, doing pushups, climbing stairs and yoga exercises. 
3. Girls : Do not starve yourself and expect your body to find the unnecessary fat from your body and burn it. The more you starve, the more the body goes into conservation mode. It expects a famine and converts all food into fat and stores it. 
4. Boys: Do not be very eager to go on protein shakes which are widely advertised. The body needs about 20% of calories from proteins. Heavy protein shakes will not give you a toned body, it will just increase the load on the liver. Eat well, be active and exercise – in the same order. 
5. Eating home made food is the best thing you can do at this stage apart from staying off aerated drinks. Eat your breakfast and dinner at home and keep it healthy. 
6. Drink sufficient water. It might not be as stylish as big mugs of coffee but it will be better for your body, mind and skin.  
7. MOST IMPORTANT – healthy food will fuel a healthy and balanced mind. During the teenage years, your mind is your biggest asset.
Suggestions for parents:
1. Peer pressure is a term you do not understand as it was not so prevalent in your growing up years. If your kids want to tone up and lose some weight, help them by giving carbohydrate and protein rich food in the first half of the day, fibre rich foods like fruits in the evening and vegetable soups and salads in the night. They will still grow well with changes in the meal pattern.
2. Anemia should not be mistaken for lethargy. If you feel they are being lazy and more tired than usual, consult a doctor and put them on iron/multivitamin with iron supplementation.
3. Be wise when you advocate healthy eating habits. Do not expect the kids to eat healthy when you are drinking endless cups of coffee. Shop for healthy snacks and always stock fruits and nuts. 
Teenage is the time that children establish their individuality with a lot of trial and error. Parents, on the other hand want the kids to learn from their mistakes. It is about meeting mid-way and making it pleasant and memorable for both.

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