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The all-important talk
Posted On 23-10-2023
4 Min Read

The all-important talk

Until a few decades back, the only source of information for children were parents and teachers. Then, there was the great invasion of media in all forms almost all at the same time. Now, children have different media they can choose to get information. Sometimes it gives out too much information too soon and the child is left feeling overwhelmed. 
This is not a sex education post but a post for parents of a developing child.  Sexual developmental changes start at the age of 8 and goes on till 14.
1. Parents tend to think that children are too small to be giving them information at 9 or 10 regarding puberty and developmental changes. Whether you like it or not, the changes have begun and they will soon be looking at their peers or internet for answers. Talk to your children and make it as physiological as possible - almost like a biology class. 
2. Do not give them an idea that they will be untouchable and attach taboo to puberty. The more relaxed the parents, the more comfortable the children. 
Educate them regarding these topics:
1. Hygiene: 
Both boys and girls need to maintain good hygiene during these years. 
2. Healthy nutritious food: 
Both sexes need to eat healthy food as there are hormonal changes taking place. Eating junk food at this stage will affect their health in the long term. 
3. Body changes to expect: 
Prepare them for changes like growth of hair in private parts and underarms, development of breasts, widening of shoulders, change in body odour, change in voice for boys, mood swings and white discharge for girls. You will be surprised that many girls think that they have some disease when they see the white discharge. It is only when they discuss with friends that they realize it is normal. 
4. Worst case scenarios: 
This is applicable more for girls than boys. Mothers can give ideas to manage a situation in case the girls unexpectedly get their periods when they are not prepared. Children will be comfortable and confident if they know what has to be done in such situations.   
5. Grooming :
It is normal for both girls and boys to become conscious of their looks and the way they carry themselves. Rather than getting angry at their sudden interest, parents can lay the limits and meet them mid- way regarding trends.  
Awareness is an ongoing activity and cannot be dealt with a single discussion with your child. As a parent you might think that you are protecting the child from unnecessary information. When there are different sources of information involved, it is better you give it to them. Knowledge is power. 
If some parents feel that they need an educative aid, go to the link and read the comic before you show it to your child. 

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